I cracked open my journal for the first time in awhile today. I have a dot notebook that I’ve had for awhile that I journal in from time to time. This one I started in January of this year, but if I had to plot the days I’ve used it, it would be very sparse.

After jotting down whatever was in my head at the time, I reflected on some older entries, and thought how I felt when I had a full month of “bulleting” going on. I remember feeling pretty good. It was nice seeing the days of the month filled up with the things I did, and it felt nice to regularly be checking in on the things I’m trying to do.

To try to get back into it, I downloaded a habit tracker app and set this up as my habit. I had been looking for an excuse to try this app after reading about The World’s Most Satisfying Checkbox. I wrote my habit as “1 bullet” to keep things easy for me. I really liked that the app said “Science says you need 60 reptitions to establish a habit”. That made it so simple to think about how much I would have to put in, in order to have daily writing become a habit.

I then got to thinking about “why a bullet” in particular. I think I write in several different formats: this “garden”, my now somewhat abandoned blog, rarely twitter, my journal, and then some combination of Obsidian, Roam and Logseq, with Logseq being the most common latelty. I also have a Google Calendar I keep up to date with most things, and I recently was experimenting with a spreadsheet for tracking things like a goal for how frequently I change the cat’s litter and things like that.

Maybe the way I want to interpret the bullet thing is that I want to do some kind of writing every day, and if I’m jotting down a quick bullet, at least that’s checking in on it.