1. Render.com
  2. Register (with Github) a. (Act on your behalf): looks like it will only be able to do that on resources I grant the app access to
  3. New Static Site
  4. Push this thing to Github a. looks like it needs to be public, but I guess that’s the point anyway i. This got me thinking about how my github might actually get more traffic from people I know versus my blog which is exclusively strangers afaict. b. Seems like it should be able to be private, says “It looks like we don’t have access to your repo” in the logs, so I could grant it access.
  5. Go back and actually add the public assets
  6. Follow the namecheap instructions
  7. Voila! It worked.

Overall it took about 20 minutes.

Some things I might do to make it smoother:

  • a pre-push hook that does rm -rf ./public && hugo